
No. | Title |
1 | US Patent No.: US8.005.532: Electrocardiograph with extended function, and extended lead electrocardiogram deriving method. Inventor: Daming Wei. ph. D. |
2 | Derived electrocardiograms on the posterior leads from 12-lead system: method and evaluation. Wei D., et al. Proceedings of the 25th Annual International Conference of IEEE IEMBS 2003; 1: 74-77. |
3 | Clinical Significance of Synthesized Posterior Right-Sided Chest Lead Electrocardiograms in Patients with Acute Chest Pain. Katoh T., et al. J Nippon Med Sch 2011: 78 (1): 22-29. |
4 | Guide for electrocardiographic diagnosis. Kenichi Harumi. Sogo Rinsho. Extra number. 1995. |
5 | ACC/AHA Guidelines for the Management of Patients With ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction. Circulation. Elliott M. Antman, MD, FACC, FAHA, Chair et al. 2004:110:e82-e292. |
6 | The 73th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society, March 20-22, 2009. Diagnostic Improvement for Detecting Posterior Myocardial Infarction Using Lead V9 on Surface ECG: Comparison with Echocardiography. Nobuhiko Haruki, Hidetoshi Yoshitani, Hiromi Nakai, Kyoko Otani, Kyoko Kaku, Toshiyuki Ota, Yutaka Otsuji. |
7 | International Society for Holter and Noninvasive Electrocardiology (ISHNE) 2009 June 4-6 2009 Yokohama. Diagnostic Improvement for Detecting Posterior Myocardial Infarction Using Virtual ECG: Comparison with Echocardiography. Nobuhiko Haruki1, Masaki Takeuchi1, Hiromi Nakai1, Kyoko Kaku1, Hidetoshi Yoshitani1, Jiro Suto2, Yutaka Otsuji1 1 Second Department of Internal Medicine, University of Occupational and Environmental Health, School of Medicine 2 NIHON KOHDEN CORPORATION, Japan |
8 | The 29th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Electrocardiology, September 18-22, 2011 Pitfall of Synthesized Posterior/Right-Sided Chest Lead Electrocardiograms. Yukio Saitoh1, Yoshinari Goseki1, Yoshinao Yazaki1, Akira Yamashina1. 1 The Second Department of Internal Medicine, Tokyo Medical University, Japan. |
9 | P-Wave Dispersion in Synthesized 18-Lead ECG of Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation Patients. Yasunori Hiranuma1, Marehiko Ueda1, Takatsugu Kajiyama1, Naotaka Hashiguchi1, Tomonori Kanaeda1, Yusuke Kondo1, Masahiro Nakano1, Yoshio Kobayashi1, 1 Department of Cardiovascular Science and Medicine, Chiba University Graduate School of Medicine, Japan |
10 | About the Normal Range in the Addition Leads(V3R,V4R,V5R, V7,V8,V9) When We Used Synthesized 18 Leads ECG. Jiro Suto1, Tsuneo Takayanagi1, Akira Yamashina2 1 Engineering Depertment 1 Biomedical Instrument Technology Center NIHON KOHDEN CORPORATION, Japan 2 Cardiovascular Internal Medicine, Tokyo Medical University Hospital, Japan |