

In-vitro Diagnostics
In-vitro Diagnostics
In the IVD field, we have developed blood cell counters and devices that measure HbA1c, an indicator of diabetes, as well as CRP and ESR, which indicate the degree of inflammation in the body. We also develop and produce various in-house reagents. We will continue to explore unique technologies that enable accurate measurement with a small amount of blood, as well as operability and functionality that support medical professionals.
5-part Diff. Hematology Analyzers
3-part Diff. Hematology Analyzers
- Celltac α+ MEK-1305Including ESR, 21 reportable parameters and 11 research parameters are available.
- Celltac α+ MEK-1303Including CBC, CRP and HbA1c, 22 reportable parameters and 4 research parameters are available.
- Celltac α MEK-1301/130220 reportable parameters and 4 research parameters including NLR are available.

Accessories and Consumables
Human Machine Interface, which is the user interface that connects human and machine, is very important for visualizing processes inside the body. Nihon Kohden develops and produces many important accessories and consumables like sensors and electrodes.


Innovative Technologies
Nihon Kohden has developed innovative and unique technologies that contribute to progress in medical care. We boldly take on new challenges, maintaining a keen eye for detail as we keep in mind the spirit of the founder.

Clinical Sites
Nihon Kohden’s mission is to utilize its leading-edge technology and products to support medical treatment in all clinical areas from emergency response to testing, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation.